The Best USMLE Study Motivation Quotes 601 – 700

601 “God did not bring you this far to leave you.”
602 “You are capable of achieving much more than what you yourself or others made you to believe”
603 “In medicine, we always weigh risks and benefits. In taking USMLE and joining residency, the benefits are way higher than risks.”
604 “Do not be scared or frustrated for you are here to do great things.”
605 “Finally, it all boils down to one thing-“Do you want to work hard for one year now or for your entire life?” “
606 “Would you not wanna earn a few times more money with the same amount of Hard work you will need to do anyway?”
607 “Those who move forward with a happy spirit will find that things always work out.”
608 “Do not worry about looks; Just focus on your goal for now.”
609 “It is not enough to just have talent. You have to actually prove yourself by getting into residency”
610 “Page after page you are getting close to your amazing goal.”
611 “Good News is that matching in residency is not based on merit. Everyone has a chance.”
612 “The best technique to become successful: Say to yourself “RELAX” whenever you are anxious, frustrated, angry or irritated. Also, relax several times during the day whenever possible.”
613 “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” — Mark Twain
614 “You know your real strength only after you achieve your goal/Residency. Until then, believe that you have it in you and never doubt yourself.”
615 “Believe it or not, your SUCCESS is good news for thousands of others.”
616 “Note to Self: “At the end of the day, I sleep happily as I am putting my best efforts to read as much as possible with positive spirit and energy. Rest is god grace.”
617 “Best of luck” to all those who are about to take exam soon”
618 “#USMLE step exams are like elevators to success, a way to glory.”
619 “Some opportunities comes only once in a life time. We should utilize them with all our enthusiasm.”
620 ” Do not put limits on your goals; the more you dream, the greater you achieve.”
621 “Great doctors do not step back until they finished the job planned”
622 “In preparation for becoming a doctor in USA, try to always speak/post in English only. “
623 “Do not stop when it hurts, stop when you are done!”
624 “Consistent preparation creates consistent results.”
625 “Finish reading all the books quickly and revise a few times. You remember more every time you revise”
626 “God has a good plan for you. Just trust and keep going.”
627 “Want to MARRY really good looking and/or well educated person? Read well, this is your BEST chance.”
628 “Do not differentiate between week-day and week-end until you join residency. Utilize every day to your advantage”
629 “Be fearless. Be strong. Be consistent. Be positive. Be nice. Be friendly. Be healthy. Be informed. Join residency.”
630 “Your hard work, years of research suggest that conscientiousness- or your tendency to be organized and hardworking. It is the only major personality trait that consistently predicts success”
631 “Improve your efficiency. Sit at one place and think about all the things that are wasting your time. Eliminate Time Wasters as much as you can.”
632 “We are not working hard just to make a living. We are working hard to make a difference in peoples lives.”
633 “Being positive in a difficult situation is not ignorance. It is maturity. It is a winning character.”
634 “Every doctor is a leader. The power to take care of others is inside you. Show it to the world.”
635 “It does not matter how you scored in medical school. All that matters is what you do from now on. “
636 “I am strong; I can do all this alone.”
637 “You can make every day of yours only as fruitful as you plan it to be.”
638 “I may be empty now, but I will be MD soon.”
639 “Do not get panic if you do not remember much after your first reading. It is how it is. You will get better soon.”
640 “You are going to become the doctor you want your parents to go to. Just keep up your determination. Enjoy the weekend”
641 “It does not matter whether you study during the day or night as long as you do not study during late nights from a week prior to your exam date.”
642 “Mom and dad, I will ace USMLE step and join residency; I will put my effort for this.”
643 “I may look tired and exhausted. I am putting all my energy for USMILE. Once that mission is completed, I will be as strong as before.”
644 “You are the next best physicians of the world. Be the best you can be.”
645 “Utilize every opportunity to relax if you are stuck at a place where you can not read. #BeCalm”
646 “Life changes forever for good. This is the time you should choose to excel. “
647 “It is only one life. Prove to the world how great you can become. “
648 “It does not matter how many people are more intelligent than you. All that you need to do is to remember most of the things given in your USMLE material. Do anything and everything to remember your stuff to beat them. You can do it. #USMLE”
649 “Put The Past Behind You And Think About All The Opportunities Tomorrow Can Bring. Your Biggest Tool is USMLE. Use it best to Your Advantage.”
650 “There are 2 kinds of people in this world. 1. Those that become #successful. 2. The others are those who become fans/followers for the successful people on Facebook/Twitter. Be among the first group.”
651 “Someone rightly said “imPOSSIBLE is not a fact. It is just an opinion.”
652 “No one needs to be a topper in medical school to be able to join residency. You just need a burning desire.”
653 “Others may or may not think that you can do this. But, it does not matter. It is your inner instinct that matters. Ignore others opinions. You can do it and that too really well.”
654 “Keep on doing what you are doing. One day all this pain will make sense to the world when your success speaks while you enjoy its glory.”
655 “It does not matter what your background is. You can secure a great future by acing one step at a time. There is no rush.”
656 “The quality of every human activity ultimately depends on our motivation. -Dalai Lama #BeMotivated #AchieveYourGoals”
657 “#Medical students are dreamers who never give up. You are #achievers. You #sacrifice your wants for the sake of your #goals.”
658 “If you heard any negative stuff about practicing medicine in USA, ignore them. It still feels awesome to practice medicine in USA.”
659 “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you did not do than by the ones you did.”
660 “When a goal matters enough to a person, that person will find a way to accomplish what at first seemed impossible. – Nido Qubein”
661 “I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart. -Vincent Van Gogh Work for it with all your heart. Sure to succeed.”
662 “Things worth having are worth fighting and waiting for.”
663 “Every morning, as you wake up, put up your doubts and worries to sleep. Wake up your dreams up with you.”
664 “How nice when this day comes. Your day is getting closer day by day. You are matched.”
665 “All great achievements require time. – Maya Angelou”
666 “All great achievements require time. – Maya Angelou”
667 “Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. –Horace”
668 “Never give up on the things that make you smile and be happy.”
669 “Praise yourself daily if you finished reading the amount of study material you planned for that day. Celebrate your success even if it is very simple”
670 “Wake up determined, go to bed satisfied’-THE ROCK”
671 “The more you relax the more you can read and remember. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and say to yourself “RELAX” while you exhale. Again, Take a deep breath, close your eyes and say “RELAX” while exhaling. Note: Make sure you sit down when you do this.”
672 “You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.” – Jim Rohn”
673 “You have to believe in yourself when no one else wants to. No one cares about you as much as you do. Do not expect anything from anyone. Still, you can do it. You will do it.”
674 “You have a golden future ahead of you. Keep going. You did not come this far to only come this far.”
675 “Relax Read Remember Revise Repeat Reach out Residency.”
676 “The first requisite of success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem without growing weary. Thomas Edison.”
677 “I believe success is achieved by ordinary people with extra ordinary determination. Zig Ziggler”
678 “The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one. Do not be afraid. Have faith in God.”
679 “No one has ever made himself great by showing how small someone else is. – Irvin Himmel. Be humble to attract success.”
680 “Behind me is infinite power, before me is endless possibility, around me is boundless opportunity. – Author Unknown”
681 “Winners imagine their dreams first. They want it with all their heart and expect it to come true. There is no other way to live- Joe Montana.”
682 “Reasons for you to be not able to do your best in USMLE are 1. 2. 3. ………”
683 “You are successful when your patient says “whatever you gave me helped. Give me more of it”. All your hard work now, helps many such patients. Go for it.”
684 “21. You are successful when your patient says “whatever you gave me helped. Give me more of it”. All your hard work now, helps many such patients. Go for it.
685 “Confidence does not come when you have all the answer. But it comes when you are ready to face all questions.”
686 “So many bad things happen in this world daily. Do not get disturbed by them unless they happen next to you. Just focus and move towards your goal.”
687 “People are not as happy as they project them on Facebook. Struggles are part of everyone’s life. Happiness is in store in future for those who struggle now. Hope is your energy. Motivation is your driving force.”
688 “Read now. Celebrate later”
689 “Nature is impartial. It gives 24 hrs to everyone. It is up to you how you use it to your advantage.”
690 “We wear white coats. Our hearts are pure. Our patient care has high quality. So, our background preparation for all this noble work should of highest standards. Read for fulfilling our passion.”
691 “Like to go on a cruise to Bahamas? It is not easy. Just get good scores. No one can stop you.”
692 “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. -John Quincy Adams”
693 “It does not matter where you are coming from. All that matters is where you are going. -Brian Tracy”
694 Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun rays do not burn until brought into a focus. -Alexander Graham Bell”
695 “There is real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment. -Norman Vincent Peale”
696 “No place for failure. No single minute is a waste. Weekends are not for slowing down. Keep moving forward with the same enthusiasm. Let us do it.”
697 Everything comes to you at the right moment. Be patient. Trust the process. #Residency #Success
698 Sometimes you just need to relax and trust that things will work out. You just keep doing what needs to be done on a daily basis.
699 I worked my ass off to get into residency. You should do it too. No magic.
700 Honestly, we underestimate our own abilities. We wait for others approval of our capabilities. Believe in your strength. You can achieve lot more than you think you can.