One of the best ways to find cheap parking near airports

We have been to vacation to florida and also travelled abroad for vacation. The main question that used to arise is where to park the car? Is it safe?
Can we find a garage parking for cheap?
One day, one of my cousins came to my house.
In a casual talk, I brought up the parking issue. He was surprised that I do not know about a website that could help in parking our costly cars in garage for the number of days that we will be on vacation.
It was cheaper than using airport parking.
It was
This site uses the parking spots at malls or shopping centers near the airports.
These parking lots are usually a few miles away from airports. They have mostly garages. Of course, it depends on the location. They have free shuttles every 30 minutes to and from the garages and airports.
Before booking the parking spot, go online and search for any “book2park coupons” available. I saved $4 by doing this.
I booked the garage parking spot online and printed the reservation and parked the car upon reaching the garage.
The whole experience was very nice saving money at the same time. Our costly car is also safe in a garage parking lot instead of leaving outside to the bad weather especially in winters.
If interested to try this method, please learn more about this by visiting
Do your own research before using their service. I am not affiliated with this website. I do not get anything if you use this service.
Just wanted to share my experience so that it may help someone who plans to leave the country on long vacation